Filling Your Own Tank: The Journey to Self-Appreciation and Love

In the hustle of everyday life, we often find ourselves pouring into the lives of others—our partners, children, colleagues and friends. We celebrate their achievements, offer them support, and express our love and appreciation for them. But how often do we take the time to fill our own tanks? This blog explores the importance of self-celebration and reflection, and how these practices can lead to a healthier relationship with ourselves and, by extension, with those we hold dear.

Picture this: It was a typical evening at home when I decided to break the routine. My husband had been working tirelessly, and his dedication had not gone unnoticed. I wanted to show him how much I appreciated his efforts, not just for what he did for our family, but for who he was as a person. So, I took a moment to express my pride and love for him. I hoped that by leading with vulnerability and appreciation, he would feel encouraged to do the same.

To my delight, he did reciprocate, but the most profound change occurred within me. By expressing my appreciation for him, I realized I needed to do the same for myself. This act of self-love was not selfish; it was necessary. It allowed me to have a healthier relationship with myself, which positively impacted my relationship with him and our children. (Here’s the story!)

Here are some of my most powerful activities for self-celebration and reflection:

  • Celebrate Yourself: Take time each day to celebrate your own achievements, no matter how small. Did you finish a task you’ve been putting off? Celebrate it! Did you handle a difficult situation with grace? Give yourself credit!

  • Reflect on Your Presence: Each morning, ask yourself how you will show up for the day. Will you live with intention or will you simply get by? Reflecting on this can set the tone for a day lived fully or help you acknowledge if you have the energy to be there or if you need a low-energy-consumption day.

  • Start a Gratitude Journal: Once a day, write down three things you are grateful for about yourself. This could be a personal trait, an accomplishment, or simply a moment of joy you experienced.

  • Set Personal Goals: Just as you set professional or family goals, set goals for your personal growth. What do you want to achieve for yourself? How will you make that happen?

  • Practice Self-Care: Engage in activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul. Whether it’s reading, exercising, dancing or meditating, find what fills your tank.

  • Learn to Say No: It’s okay to set boundaries and prioritize your own needs. Saying “no” to others sometimes means saying “yes” to yourself.

  • Seek Inspiration: Surround yourself with people and content that inspire you to be your best self. This could be through books, podcasts, or conversations with mentors. And, of course, declutter your environment from the stuff that drains that energy from you. 

  • Embrace Imperfection: Perfection is an illusion. Embrace your imperfections and learn from them. They are part of your unique story!

  • Celebrate Others’ Success: While this may seem counterintuitive, genuinely celebrating others can reinforce a mindset of abundance and joy, which reflects back on you.

In conclusion, filling your own tank is not just about self-indulgence; it’s about self-preservation and growth. When we learn to appreciate and love ourselves, we create a wellspring of positivity that overflows into every aspect of our lives. So, start today. Celebrate yourself, reflect on your presence, and watch as the world around you transforms, one self-loving act at a time.


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